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Pronounced ray-kee, in Japanese means "Universal Life-Force Energy," and was created by Dr. Mikao Usui of Japan, about 150 years ago. Hi was disillusioned with the standard medical procedures of his time, and set out on a journey to find something, that to him was on a higher level of healing. His travels took him to Tibet, where he found ancient texts of healing, with symbols of an extremely spiritual method of healing. It is told that while descending a mountain in Tibet, he twisted his ankle, and prompted by what he had learned, applied this ancient method and healed his ankle. Upon returning to Japan, he formulated this modality into a method that he called “Reiki.” The “Rei” means universal, and “ki” means energy. It is understood that all of creation is energy, and when in particular the body is manifesting symptoms of disease, dis-ease, or is injured in any way, the universal energy flow is impeded, and the body is not able to maintain its natural state of optimum good health. The Reiki practitioner places the hands directly on the recipient, or a few inches above the recipient’s body, without physical contact. In fact Reiki can be sent over great distances by thought and intent. Such is the nature of Universal Healing Energy. The Reiki practitioner acts as a “bridge” to enable the transference of universal energy from source to reach the recipient, which then helps and stimulates the ability of the recipient to complete their own healing. We are, after all, part of universal energy, and are able to heal ourselves, but in many cases we require the assistance of others to help us bypass our own energy blocks. Reiki can be very effective for just about any and every ailment and disorder. It is a marvelous method to maintain the balance of the emotions, and the body. Anyone can learn this technique, by finding a Reiki Master Teacher, and receiving the attunements, while learning the modality. It is also effective to apply this healing modality to oneself.

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